Hello hello, welcome to the plantiful world of Plant Based Kitchens

Hi, I’m Hayley, Plant-based chef, vegetable enthusiast, environmental advocate and owner of Plant Based Kitchens. At the heart of our business is a dedication to help build a more sustainable world for us to live healthier and happier lives by providing accessible vegan food that isn’t something to be feared but embraced by all.
We want to de-bunk a few taboos about this lifestyle because it hasn’t always had the best press. The basic premise of this lifestyle and the individual choices we make uphold one fundamental that I’m sure we are all trying to do every day – to just do better. If we can make small changes each day that do more good than harm, then I’d take that as a win.
With so many decisions to make on a day-to-day basis that hold so much impact, I can be hard to see clearly amongst the fog. We are told to care about the environment, to switch to energy saving bulbs, minimise baths, invest in an electric vehicle. The easiest and most affordable way is to look closer to home, at our plates and eat more plants and less animal products. I have never been a “pushy” vegan and know I can’t change the world overnight but if each person consumed less animal products and really thought about where their food came from then I have done my job.
In my professional youth, I was once told by a senior chef “less is more”. As I gained experience over the years, I realised this didn’t just relate to plating a dish and its aesthetic. I started to implement this idea into my own eating habits, choosing quality over quantity. This idea is what drives my purpose of trying to create a more sustainable world, one that isn’t driven by consumerism and over-consumption (all you can eat buffet – run for the hills!). If we can’t take the plunge and go cold-turkey (I won’t apologise for my poor pun choices) then making more conscious decisions with the animal products we eat, having less or opting for organic can make a significant difference.
Another thing I feel can be misinterpreted is elitism. We have been indoctrinated to think a plant-based lifestyle is an exclusive member’s club that you have to buy into or change your whole personality to fit in. There is nothing stopping an individual from taking small steps to improve their health and their environment. Veganism is accessible and as easy as picking up an apple from your local supermarket. You don’t have to buy into “vegan” products when there are so many naturally readily available foods that are local and affordable.
So, long story short. If you want to do a little better today then consider Plant Based Kitchens to host a special dinner, cater for a wedding, birthday, corporate event - you name it! We’re here to stay (popping up every now and then in a town near you) making a thousand small choices to be healthier and more sustainable so you only have to make one.
Stay tuned for plant-based insights, upcoming events, myth busting, recommendations and so much more.
Check our Stories page regularly on our Website (congratulations you made it!). Keep up to date on our socials Instagram or Facebook.
If you are intrigued by our services or just want a chat then we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch.
From your favourite vegetable enthusiast, Hayley